
An Irregular Choice

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Well here it goes my first post, after a very indecisive few weeks (months, if I am being honest!) trying to decide what it would be on. I decided to write about my new shoes, it's amazing how shoes can get to a girls heart, right?

I may be late to the party, but I finally got myself a beautiful pair of Irregular Choice shoes and I am in LOVE. As of late I have been loving wearing a lot of black, and nothing brightens up an all black outfit like a statement pair of heels.

The Shoes

My Irregular Choice are Bloxy Bordo, burgundy satin with cream poka-dots, a contrasting knit large bow at the front, knit across the back and covering the heel. Although these shoes are listed as high heels, I feel like they are more of a medium heel, the ankle buckle makes the shoes super comfortable, easy to walk in and of course dance in. These shoes can be worn during the day or for adding something special to an evening outfit.

You can find these shoes at Irregular Choice or DV8 online.

Hope you enjoyed reading my first blog post, keep checking in for future posts!


1 comment:

  1. Ooo I really like these! I hope you are having fun blogging :)
    Kirsty x

