
The Liebster Award!

So I am very very late to the party with this, in fact the party may even be over! But thank you so much to Gemma Plumb, Roybn from robynisabella and Marta from MartaMeetsWorld for nominating me, thank you for noticing my little blog, everyone go and check these lovely ladies blogs, they are fab!

I love the idea of this award so much - getting new bloggers connected and showing appreciation for some of my favourite bloggers. I did not want to miss out on the opportunity to participate, so thanks again for the nominations.

These are the Rules :-

Each nominee must have under 200 followers
Thank and link to the nominating blog
Answer their 10 questions and propose 10 new ones for your nominees
Nominate a few blogs and tell them that they’ve been nominated
Write a post containing the questions
I will answer some questions from each nomination, hope you don’t mind!

1. If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

If I could have any superpower I would love to be able to become invisible whenever I wanted, I think the things you would see could be very entertaining!

2. Dogs or Cats?
I am definitely a dog person, I have a 7 month old little Jackie Bichon puppy and he is adorable.

3. Favourite place you’ve ever visited?
My favourite place that I have ever visited (to date) would have to be New York City, I have only been the once but it has left a lasting impression on me and I am looking forward to returning this year.

4. Tea or Coffee?
Tea, tea, tea – I love tea. I’m not sure if it’s an Irish thing, but I can definitely drink tea until the cows come home.

5. What makes you smile even when you're sad?
My puppy that wee face could cheer anyone up!

6. Which is your favourite Chick Flick?
Mean Girls and Leap Year

7. Do you have a precious object? What is it?
A beautiful necklace my mum and dad got me for my 16 birthday when we were on holiday in France, and I lost it a few days later in France and managed to retrieve it (thankfully)

8. Where did your blog inspiration come from?
I have read blogs for many years now, I absolutely love following all kinds of blogs and I have always enjoyed writing from when I was in school. So I thought I would let the inner Carrie Bradshaw in me start a blog of my own.

9. What is your favourite food?
My favourite food would have to be pizza, glorious pizza!

10. What is your favourite TV show?
I have so many favourite tv shows, but one of my ultimate favourites is a bit of a throwback to my school days...One Tree Hill.

I nominate –


Here are my 10 questions for you –

1.       What do you like most about blogging?
2.       What advice would you advice to someone who is considering starting a blog?
3.       Do you drive?
4.       Is the glass half full or half empty?
5.       What is your favourite season, and why?
6.       If you had a time machine what year would you go to, and why?
7.       Would you prefer to live in the country or the city?
8.       What is your favourite movie genre?
9.       What is your favourite brand of make up?
10.    What is your dream job?


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1 comment:

  1. Nice answers! My pets always cheer me up when I'm sad too. New York sounds amazing I hope you have fun when you go again!

    robynisabella x
